Deep Misalignment Between Corporate Economic Performance, Shareholder Return And Executive Compensation

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Webinar was held on Monday November 24, 2014

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New York, NY, November 17, 2014 – – For the vast majority of S&P 1500 companies, there is a major disconnect between corporate operating performance, shareholder value and incentive plans for executives. New research details an over-reliance on accounting metrics that do not measure capital efficiency, and how total shareholder return obscures a line of sight to the underlying drivers of economic performance. Economic performance explains only 12% of variance in chief executive officer (CEO) compensation.

The Alignment Gap Between Creating Value, Performance Measurement, and Long-Term Incentive Design, authored by Organizational Capital Partners and commissioned by the Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute (IRRCi), finds that:

  • Economic performance explains only 12% of variance in CEO pay. More than 60% is explained by company size, industry, and existing company pay policy. None of those are performance driven.
  • Some 75% of companies have no balance sheet or capital efficiency metrics in their disclosed performance measurement and long-term incentive plan design.
  • Only 17% of companies specifically disclose return on invested capital or economic profit as a long-term performance measure for long-term executive compensation.
  • Some 47% of S&P 1500 companies over the last five years (2008 – 2012) did not generate a positive cumulative economic profit or return on invested capital greater than their cost of capital.
  • More than 85% of the S&P 1500 have no disclosed line of sight process metrics aligned to future value such as innovation and growth drivers.
  • Only 10% of all long-term incentives have a disclosed longest performance period for named officers of greater than three years.
  • Nearly 25% of companies have no long-term performance based awards at all, relying instead stock options and time-based restricted stock in their long-term compensation plans.

“Too often, the wrong performance measures and wrong incentives are used over too short a performance period,” said Jon Lukomnik, IRRCi executive director. “Investors, directors and corporate executive management all want companies to create value. But this report tells us that most companies are not measuring the fundamental drivers of economic performance such as earning a return more than the cost of capital. To compound the problem, companies largely have their longest accountable performance period for named officers at three years or less. Moreover, only a few CEOs are measured and compensated for strengthening the building blocks of long-term value creation such as innovation, research and development, and new product or market development,” he said.

“These findings indicate there is a critical need for a fundamental re-examination of measurement and executive compensation so as to incent sustained corporate economic performance.” Lukomnik added. “This means reducing the overwhelming dependence of large U.S. companies on total shareholder return (TSR) as a dominant performance and incentive compensation metric. TSR is not a direct measure of operating performance. It is a post hoc measure of alignment with short-term stock market price movements. Top management has limited decision authority over too much of what drives TSR, which can be as varied as Federal Reserve policy, the flow of funds into the stock market and specific industry dynamics as varied as commodity prices or changes in regulation. Disrupting the status quo of performance measurement won’t be easy, but the analysis reveals that too many companies are off course,” he said.

The study also indicates that:

  • TSR is, by far, the most dominant performance metric in long-term incentive plans, present in more than 50% of all plans despite the fact that executives do not have line of sight accountability for key drivers that impact TSR outcomes.
  • Nearly 60% of companies changed performance metrics for CEO compensation in 2013, and one-third of companies changed at least 25% of the peer group used for performance benchmarking. That lack of stability of performance metrics can suggest a short-term focus despite the fact that the incentive plans are supposed to be long-term focused.

“Future value is a key input for value creating TSR along with current operating performance” said Mark Van Clieaf, report co-author and partner with Organizational Capital Partners. “A critical role of executive management is to lead the investments that create innovation from new products, new markets, and new business models that drive future revenue growth and positive returns on capital. Yet, the analysis finds that few named corporate officer roles are directly measured and rewarded for the innovation that creates positive economic value over a three to five year or longer innovation cycle,” Van Clieaf said.

The study suggests that the majority of companies could enhance long-term value creation and long-term incentive plan design by:

  • Applying value-based performance metrics such as return on invested capital (ROIC) and/or economic profit in performance measurement design while migrating away from the dominant use of total shareholder return or earnings per share;
  • Adding future value improvement drivers (i.e. innovation, customer loyalty) to the performance metrics mix and long-term incentive plan design;
  • Extending the longest accountable performance-period for named executive officers to a period longer than three years;
  • Stabilizing the performance metrics and peer groups used in long-term incentive design to the extent possible; and
  • Creating coherent and coordinated reporting on business performance, executive rewards, and disclosures for investors based on this framework.

Download the research here.

A webinar to review the findings and respond to questions was held 11:00 AM ET on Monday, November 24, 2014.
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The Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute is a nonprofit research organization that funds academic and practitioner research that enables investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders to make data-driven decisions. IRRCi research covers a wide range of topics of interest to investors, is objective, unbiased, and disseminated widely. More information is available at the IRRCi Website.

Organizational Capital Partners is a global strategy consulting firm that delivers client impact through aligning shareholder value with, innovation, structure, and incentive design to implement value creating business strategy. More information is available at

IRRC Media Contact:
Kelly Kenneally
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Deep Misalignment Between Corporate Economic Performance, Shareholder Return And Executive Compensation

IRRC Institute, Organizational Capital Partners – Monday, November 17, 2014

For the vast majority of S&P 1500 companies, there is a major disconnect between corporate operating performance, shareholder value and incentive plans for executives. New research details how an over-reliance on traditional short-term accounting metrics and total shareholder return obscures a line of sight to the underlying drivers of economic performance. As a result, economic performance explains only 12% of variance in chief executive officer (CEO) compensation.

Nanotechnology and the S&P 500: Small Sizes, Big Questions

IRRC Institute, Si2 – Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Companies worldwide have begun capitalizing on what could become a $3 trillion global market that presents investors with tremendous opportunities as well as undefined environmental, health and safe- ty risks. Nanotechnology has been developing rapidly, but has been largely unnoticed by the general public. At least 1,600 consumer products have entered the marketplace in the last eight years alone, and this is just a sliver of the products and processes already in use and under development?all of which are measured in units some 90,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair. By 2020, six million people worldwide may work with nanomaterials, revolutionizing healthcare, information tech- nology, energy systems and other fields. Corporations now provide about half the funding for research on nano frontiers, catching up with governments led by the United States (with $21 billion invested since 2001) and 60 other countries, most rominently Germany, France, Japan, Korea and China.

New Nanotechnology Study Serves As Investor Guide To Key Issues And Corporate Disclosures

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Webinar on Thursday, October 23rd at 2 PM ET to Review Findings

A new study provides investors and stakeholders with a comprehensive guide to this nascent, rapidly growing industry. The study indicates that nanotechnology could provide important societal and economic benefits along with substantial financial rewards for investors. But, interest groups and shareholders eyeing rapid growth and minimal regulation already are questioning whether nanotechnology is on a responsible development path. The study also finds corporate disclosures on nanotechnology are minimal and, in some instances, even the companies themselves may be unaware that their products contain nanomaterials.

Nanotechnology and the S&P 500: Small Sizes, Big Questions is authored by the Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2) and was commissioned by the Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute (IRRCi). A webinar is scheduled for Thursday, October 23, 2014, at 2 PM ET to review the findings and respond to questions.

Download the research here. Register for the webinar here.

“Already, nanotechnology has realized scientific success. Its next phase could lead to revolutionary advancements for treating diseases, purifying water and addressing environmental issues,” said Jon Lukomnik, IRRCi executive director.

“However, the nanotechnology debate is heating up. Investors are engaging companies in discussions about nano-related environmental, health and safety risks and recently forced a vote on the first nano-related shareholder resolution. We hope this new guide informs this debate with objective information that is a useful decision making tool for investors, policymakers and others,” Lukomnik said.

“Because various regulatory agencies are only starting to evaluate possible health and environmental risks, investors may want to determine for themselves if companies have risk management systems in place commensurate with their exposure,” said report author Susan Williams.

“Most industries either are already incorporating nanomaterials into products or conducting research based on nanotechnology. This means companies should tell investors how they are using nanotechnology and taking appropriate precautions,” Si2 Executive Director Heidi Welsh added.

The report provides a guide to:

  • Key issues: This study identifies key issues for investors to consider regarding companies that use and develop nanotechnology and nanomaterials.
  • Current disclosure: This study summarizes the current state of disclosure by S&P 500 companies.
  • Development of the field and market: This study provides an overview of products and processes, sketches out the 30-year-old development of the nanotechnology field in the U.S., and points out the key areas that appear most promising. It also presents estimates on the size of investments so far and the potential market in the near future, noting why it is hard to obtain accurate data.
  • Environmental, health and safety: The study presents the currently identified range of risks to humans and the environment and efforts to improve EH&S research, including voluntary codes, frameworks and collaborations.
  • Regulation: The study’s section on regulation identifies questions about appropriate regulations and notes the differences in current European and U.S. strategies, outlining the relevant EU and U.S. laws and policy principles released by the White House Office of Science and Technology.
  • Shareholder engagement: The study notes shareholder proposal disclosure efforts begun in 2008 and how they have fared to date.

Nanotechnology is an emerging field that focuses on the understanding and control of matter at near-atomic scale. It crosses scientific disciplines and has the potential to affect virtually every aspect of daily life and every economic sector. At least 1,600 consumer products have entered the marketplace in the last eight years, and this is just a sliver of the products and processes already in use and under development. By 2020, six million people worldwide may work with nanomaterials. Corporations now provide about half the funding for research on nano frontiers, catching up with governments led by the United States and 60 other countries such as Germany, France, Japan, Korea and China.

The Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute is a nonprofit research organization that funds academic and practitioner research that enables investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders to make data-driven decisions. IRRCi research covers a wide range of topics of interest to investors, is objective, unbiased, and disseminated widely. More information is available at the IRRCi Website.

The Sustainable Investments Institute (Si2) provides institutional investors with in-depth, impartial analysis of environmental and social policy shareholder resolutions filed at U.S. companies. It also is an incubator for empirical research on emerging sustainability topics and corporate and investor responsibility issues. More about Si2 is at

IRRC Media Contact:
Kelly Kenneally
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