Thursday, May 4, 2017, 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM @Video : 

On May 4, 2017, the Weinberg Center hosted a discussion on blockchain technology, and the State of Delaware’s Blockchain Initiative. Participating in the discussion, which was moderated by the Center’s Associate Director, Ann Mulé, were the following three individuals who are leading the Delaware Blockchain Initiative:

  • Andrea Tinianow is the Director of Global Delaware in the Delaware Department of State.  The Delaware Blockchain Initiative was conceived by Global Delaware and Andrea directs the Initiative.
  • Caitlin Long is the Chairman and President of Symbiont, the market-leading smart contracts platform for institutional uses of distributed ledger technology. Symbiont is partnering with Global Delaware in the Delaware Blockchain Initiative.
  • Marco Santori is a Partner at Cooley LLP, leads Cooley’s fintech practice, and is an authority in the law of blockchain technology. He is the Legal Ambassador for the Delaware Blockchain Initiative.  

The Weinberg Center believes that all public company board members and those who advise boards should understand blockchain technology, Delaware’s Blockchain Initiative, and the potential impacts both will have. Therefore, we are sharing the video of the discussion, as well as other informative materials.  Please feel free to pass this on to others who may be interested.
